Another Richmond Mural … in pieces

Recently, I’ve done two posts involving Murals. The first one was involving ‘hands‘, and the second a warning about drug use. They were received relatively well, so I am adding another mural to the group, taken from the side of a little Latino Market/Restaurant in Richmond. Please Enjoy.

The overall view of the  Mural as displayed from a distance.

A close of the center of the mural

Left/Center Close Up

Right/Center Closeup

I wish I could share a little about the history of the location the Mural was drawn from, assuming it depicts an actual place, probably in Mexico.  If you know something about it, that I don’t, please tell us about it in the comment sections.  Otherwise, please simply enjoy the color and composition.

Window Shopping With The Orples

You’d think I would have known better than allow the orples to come along to the river. Now, I can’t go anywhere without them wanting to tag along. It appears they had stowed away on my Staunton trip. Evidently, while I was peeping in store windows, the orples were too.  Olivia loves to read.  She’s found a storefront that has really captured her attention. Look at all the stuff there is to read in that window! This might take awhile!

“I love this little store, Oscar. I sure do wish it was opened, so we could go inside.”

A Path To the River’s Edge

I was going to post this set of shots earlier, but the orples were bugging me, and then they got hung up in some tree roots trying to cross the path, so I did a post on the orples to keep them satisfied.  If they can keep up, they can join us as I show you one way to reach the rocks bordering the James River. This is a popular hangout spot for old and young alike on our hot summer days in the city. When the rains are heavy, sometimes the rocks can no longer be seen as the river rises within the boundaries of its shores. To begin the trek to the river, we must first park the car, then climb some old steps onto the well worn path.

For those of you who are new to my blog and don’t know what orples are, you can go to the Orples Overview section of my blog to learn more about them, if you so desire. 😉 In the meantime, it is off to the river we go…

Set off on the far corner of the parking lot, in the shade, our journey begins.

This is a better view of the steps leading up to the narrow path leading to the river. For those carrying coolers, with the intent of spending the day on the rocks, it is a challenging path, no doubt. Watch your step.

This is a better shot of the tree in the path the orples got hung up in on the last post I did ( Today 6.4.12). Wearing zorries is not recommended when trying to make your way over these roots. The bank to the left goes straight down the side of the hill.  Falling over the side of the bank would be a real bummer.

Once you get past the tree in the path, another set of stone steps beckons you further up the hill.

This structure stands at the top of the hill. I am not sure what it’s purpose is, really. It may have been a building that never was built, or maybe at one time there was a roof on those steel beams. This has been in for years, and I’ve never seen it in any form other than from that shown here. And I used to walk this path often, when my kids were teens and we’d come to the river. There is a porta potty tucked in the corner though, so it makes a great stop off spot, if you know what I mean.

A sign clues visitors in as to what this little path is all about and lists a few rules to follow. There is also a map of the trails, which can be accessed by bike or foot in most areas.

This is a better view of the map taken from the sign above.

It appears the orples have caught up with us. They seem to be mastering the steps. Good for them. In the background, there is a bridge crossing some railroad tracks. The gates accessing the foot bridge are locked at night to keep people off of the rocks after dark.  The bridge is caged to prevent people from throwing things over the side onto the train tracks below.

These are some of those trains I was telling you about, parked along the tracks.

And if you keep looking, you’ll see more trains.

Standing on the platform leading to a set of stairs going down, you can look out over the rocks. Not many people have camped out today. It is still early in the year, but as summer progresses, towels are spread out over the rocks, much like you see at the beach.

Looking down from our perch, you can make out the tops of people’s head that have taken the stairs down to ground level. I think we’ll bypass that trip today. Maybe later. For now, a birds-eye view will give you an idea of how far above the ground we are now standing.  If I remember correctly, there are five or six flights of steps down to the bottom.

Here’s one more look out over the outer shores of the river (hidden by the trees). Enjoy your view.

This is a better shot of those stairs Olivia and Oscar were descending in our earlier shot, heading toward the river.  Now you can really see the porta potty, I was telling you about earlier.

And here is a different perspective on those stairs we crossed awhile ago coming up the hill. I love the way the rock ties in with the elements of nature as though the steps are a natural part of their surroundings.

As we arrive back at the parking lot, it looks as though Olivia and Oscar managed to keep up, after all. They are going to be two tired little orples when they get home, no doubt. That was quite a trek to travel when you’re the size of an orange. My little orple buddies make me proud!

Weekly photo Challenge . Today . June 4, 2012

Today I was getting ready to set up a post along an interesting path, leading to some of the rocks on the James River. Of course, the orples have been haunting me, and pouting because they didn’t get to join us on our walk around the block in Richmond on Saturday and I’ve been ignoring them ever since. So before we stroll the entire path, let’s give the orples time to catch up. It appears they’re stuck in some tree roots along the path. They’re helping each other across, so we may have to wait for the next post … “A path to the river’s edge“.  Those silly little orples just have to come along sometimes, or they bug me to death.

“Grab my hand, Olivia. We will keep each other balanced.”

Stay tuned, we’ll visit the river when Olivia and Oscar get untangled and can keep up with the rest of us. 😉 I wouldn’t want to leave them behind.

Enjoy today, whatever your day brings.

Weekly Photo Challenge . Today . June 3, 2012

Meet Caleb, my youngest grandchild to date. I watched him for his Mommy today, while she went to the grocery store. We decided to play outside while she was gone.  Caleb is 14 months old, now.

Little boys and sandboxes fit like a hand in a glove. 🙂

Hmmm, I wonder if the motor works?

“Wanna eat some sand with me?”

A city block at ground level . Richmond, Virginia.

Yesterday, I went to Richmond to pop off a few shots to share with those who have never visited our State’s capitol city. I chose to focus on the basic street views for yesterday’s post to give you an overall feel of the surroundings.  Today’s post will cover the ground at our feet as we wall along the street. Enjoy your stroll, please.

The wrought iron railing adds charm to the brick and keeps dogs off of the lawn.

Petunias add a spark of color to the surrounding foliage.

Brick planters edge the sidewalk, defining the flowerbeds in some cases. A step up landing eases the entry into the lovely old homes, lining the street.

The fencing in the back ground of this open lawn compliment the brick and tile work leading into the adjoining home. It also conceals backyard actives, allowing a little privacy from the street.

Different brick adds accent to yet another sidewalk flowerbed,complimenting the home beyond.

Passing the local Temple, the stairs going down to the basement caught my eye. So, snap,snap.

This lovely little example of landscape architecture beckoned from across the street.

… so I crossed the street and caught a different angle.

Rounding the corner, the contrast in brickwork demanded my attention, so what could I do, but comply with its demand?

Brick stairs, with wide ledges, invite guests into this old home. An attached arch marks the alley entrance for those who choose to bypass the house.

Some of the alleys between the homes aren’t wide enough to allow reasonable access. Here is one solution to that problem, when the alley is of little use.

A courtyard to the side of this lovely old home boasts some simple landscaping for passersby.

Here a nice little patio serves as the front yard. No doubt a nice place for friends to gather informally on a beautiful day.

Blue Hydrangeas are the focal point of entry for this handsome home.

Walking down the street, a little further, the occupant’s of this home decided natural brick was not for them, so they added a splash of color to their sturdy home. The porch railings set this home apart from its neighbors as well.

The owners of this home decided to use a living ornament to welcome guests into their home. This friendly fellow curiously watched me as I snapped his portrait.

These steps didn’t leave much room for landscaping with plants, but a pot here and there compensated for the lack of yard.

Heading back to the car, I passed the Temple again. Looking down, this is an alternate, but interesting view. A wee bit different from the shot I presented earlier.

As I headed up the sidewalk, basement windows edged the sidewalk.

Tucked back, from the corner extrusion, stairs leading into a side wing of the Temple presented themselves. These stairs look like they are meant to carry heavy traffic for years to come.

And finally, on the way back to the car, here are those colorful little Petunias again, as shown from a different point of view. The edgings along the sidewalk tie the residences to each other beautifully. Because of our abundant clay soil, brick is a popular building material in our most of our Virginia cities.

Oscar, the Artist

Oscar has decided to try his hand at painting.  He had to rig some scaffolding from the tree to be able to reach his canvas.  Evidently, it is not easy being an orple.  Meanwhile, now that Olivia has learned to read, she is reading her books, and enjoying being outside on such a beautiful day.

Oscar is very talented, it seems.

Antique Fire Hydrant

Last week when I went to Staunton. The orples came along. They are sneaky that way. While I was out and about doing my thing, they were evidently exploring the town too. Check them out, checking out an antique fire hydrant. You never know what your might find, if you pay attention.

“Wowie, Zowie, Olivia!”, check this thing out!, Oscar shouted in delight.

For those of you new to my blog, please let me introduce you to Olivia and Oscar Zimp.  They are the accidental creation of a scientific project gone wrong. You can read all about them, in my first book “How Orples Came To Be“.  These two characters have been busy since they’ve come about. They have already remodeled their “Treasure Tree” to accommodate their new needs, as outlined in book 2  … “The Orples Make A Tree Home“, of the orples series. They have learned to read, as is evident from book 3 … “The Orples Learn To Read“. This book has so recently come about, that it has not even been announced yet. I am waiting for the e-book to be ready for sale. But the softcover version is now available for sale on

Although they try to stay out of sight, the orples have been observed outside of the orples books in various photographs.  If you care to take a peek, you can go to the Orples in Photos section of my side bar.  If you care to learn more about the orples in general, then I invite you to explore the Orples Overview category of my blog.  For a peek into the begins of their story, please check out Insight into How Orples Came To Be . Part 1 … which has links to parts 2,3,4, & 5 from there. Those post include pages out of my first book should you care to explore orples further.  Please keep in mind these loveable little creatures are looking for new friends, so don’t be shy!  They’d love a visit, you know.  In the meantime, Happy Blogging.

Weekly Photo Challenge . Summer

Olivia and Oscar have joined Jacob to eat some ice cream sandwiches in celebration of summer. Yum! They’ve been so left out lately, it is past time for a treat, or so I’ve been told.

The orples just love Summer!

Rubber Ducky? Or not.

When I was in Staunton last weekend, these charming little characters were flaunting their personalities through a closed shop window. Thank God, or I may have spent a lot of money on a whim. At least now, if I go back, I’ll have had more time to choose the ones I really ‘can’t’ live without. These guys give the little yellow rubber duck a run for his money.

The reflections from across the street make these a little hard to see, but here’s the overview of the lot of them.

Here’s a closer look at what’s in the barrel. That one of Obama will probably become a collector’s item one day. Probably, infamously, I might add.

This provides a better peek at the selection on the ledge. If I had money, oh how I could waste it on fun stuff like this. I wonder if they sell bubble bath in this little shop too?