Kreative Blogger Award

Slowly, but surely, I am managing to get some of my awards posted. Lately, I’ve been trying to get my second book polished and published, which I finally did (in printed format anyway). Before I work on the e-book version though, I wanted to acknowledge the generosity of some of my fellow bloggers. Even though I’ve not posted these awards sooner, it does not mean I am any less grateful to those who chose to elect me. For this award: The Kreative Blogger Award, my thanks go to both Judee @ a round tuit and Vivian @ Positive Parental Participation. I am flattered that both of you ladies thought of me.

These are the rules:

You must thank the person who has given you the award.
Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
Nominate 7 other Kreative Bloggers.
Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been    nominated.

So… Seven things about me:

1.) I have red hair

2.) I used to spend my days trail riding (horses) and now I am turning my attention to writing children’s books.  Hopefully, one day, I’ll be able to saddle up again.

3.) I love ice cream in the summertime

4.) I love blueberries, anytime.

5.) My shoe size is 7 1/2 B.

6.) I was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, the home of our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson.

7.) I designed prefabricated roof trusses for 19 years for a local building supply company.

The  Seven bloggers I would like to forward this award to are (in no particular order):

1.) Peaches

2.)Living Life in Glorious Color

3.)Lucid Gypsy


5.)Make Something Mondays



The Orples Make A Tree Home

Please let me introduce book 2 of the orples series, now available through I’ve been working on this book for awhile now and finally have the softcover version self-published. The e-book version is still in the works, but should be available shortly for anyone that is interested. Please feel free to click on the link, if more no other reason than to help me up my numbers in the search engines on Amazon. It will be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, here is a peek into my newest book “The Orples Make A Tree Home.

The front cover

The dedication page

My first book “How Orples Came To Be” was published through Strategic Publishing and tells the story, as the title suggests, how orples transformed from oranges into little orange-people. It focuses on loneliness, friendship, belief in one’s dreams, and touches on the bond between the importance of the parent and child relationship. “How Orples Came To Be” begins in the Treasure Tree and ends at the Treasure Tree, but for the most part, the scene is set inside the Zimp household. This blog is about the next book, and the first adventure the orples experience, now that they their dreams of mobility have been fulfilled. Thus the story begins ….

Olivia and Oscar's first morning, waking up in the Treasure Tree

This book also focuses on friendship and fulfilling goals. Now that the orples are not directly connected to their tree, as they were when they were oranges, their needs have changed. They have obstacles to overcome. With Jack’s help, they set and fulfill several goals to turn the tree into a home.

With branches marked, the trio is off to find materials to make beds with. The first order of the day.

The pages I’ve posted here are from my un-edited prototype, so mistakes have been corrected, and in some cases, the text has been reworded. I had a wonderful editor at Amazon, and she really added the necessary polish to bring out the scenes, without re-writing my story. She also corrected my horrible punctuation. What would we do with out editors? But alas, I am getting sidetracked here … back to the story.

Hmmm, What might be found in the tool shed?

Obviously, Jack and the orples are putting their heads together to create a functional little home for the orples to enjoy. They are leaving no stone unturned as they explore the potential materials on hand to achieve their goals.

A trip to the creek.

Once they’ve found a container, it is time to fill it up and make sure there are no leaks.

Searching for food.

You may recognize this drawing from an entry I posted under the subject of landscapes a couple of weeks back. But this is part of the book, so here it is again.