Genuine Blogger Award

Even though there are no rules associated with the ‘Genuine Blogger Award’, I would like to thank the two persons that nominated me for it: Vina Kent whose Blog is TRUnique News & Matters &  Natalie at Reflections in a Puddle.

First, way back in February, Vina Kent was so kind as to nominate me. Vina, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to post my award, but it is no less appreciated due to my lack of time to date. So Thank you!

Additionally, I’d like to thank Natalie who nominated me on March 15 to receive the honors. In the event you’d thought I’d forgotten, I’ve not. All things unfold as time allows, and the time has come to post this award. To you, let me extend my heartfelt thanks as well.

Here is the original post that explains the reasoning behind this award: .

Some of the people I would like to extend the honors to are:


Sonel @ Sonel’s corner

Mumsey @ Chancy, the Gardner

Madhu @ The Urge to Wander

Jo Bryant @ Chronicles of Illusions

Tracie Louise @ Tracie Louise Photography

Kellie See @ kellisee

Dolly @ allaboutlemon

Jay @  Positive Cookie Attitude


These are but a few of the fine bloggers I can think of.  If your name is not on this nomination list, please don’t feel left out.   There are no rules to accompany the Genuine Blogger Badge, so if you would like a badge, please post one with my blessing.

Versatile Blogger Award

Greetings my dear fellow bloggers,

I am ashamed to admit I am so far behind schedule, but my subconscious mind will no longer allow me to ignore several awards that I have recently nominated for. Since I have quite a few, in different categories, I will separate the awards accordingly, and acknowledge those that elected me at one time for the same award.

Since there are several awards, there will be several posts.

I feel like I am cheating in doing so, but it is a time thing. I will be posting each award individually on my site with credit given to the blogger who passed the honor on to me. The first of these awards is the Versatile Blogger Award.


Credit for the award is listed by date first, and the origin of the nomination. I would like to thank each, and every, person that did nominate me for thinking of me. I pray I haven’t overlooked anyone, as that is not my intention. Please forgive me, and re-notify me if I’ve left you out, so that I give you credit for your generosity and my thanks for thinking of me.

2.28.2012 … Semi-RuralFarmLife
3.08.2012 … influenceversuscontrol
3.08.2012 … Reflections in a puddle
3.13.2012 … francineinretirement
3.13.2012 … EllaDee

The rules for the Veratile Blogger Award is as follow:

1.) In a post on your blog, nominate 7 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Bloggers Award.
2.)In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3.) In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4.) In the same post, share 7 completely ramdom pieces of information about yourself.
5.) In the same post, include this set of rules
6.) Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

According to rule number 4, here are some tidbits about me.

1.) My sun sign is Taurus
2.) I have grown 3 Sons, and 4 grandsons.
3.) I love Jeans and boots in the winter time, shorts and sandals in the summer, and seldom wear dresses (although I do own a few … just in case I may need one).
4.) I am spiritual as opposed to being religious
5.) I love ALL animals and some insects. LOL
6.) Kids melt my heart
7.) I hope one day to be a well-known author.

Now onto rule #1 … my nominations to forward this award go to …

1.) Ann Noveck (narhvalvr) … Ann keeps us informed on whats going on in the world, especially where it pertains to animal abuse. I hit her blog often with likes, even though oft times I don’t like the subject matter itself. I do like the fact that she exposes the many injustices in this world. Ann also provides numerous posts of more pleasant subjects and beautiful landscapes and interesting structures. Kudos to Ann for an extremely interesting blog.
2.) Cobbie69 … Gerry delights me with his photographs of castles and such, in addition to the fact that he has an interesting blog overall. Good Job Gerry. I always enjoy visiting your blog and checking out your newest posts.
3.) Seekrazz . Scott always comes up with some beautiful photography and other interesting stuff. I still need to go back and review some of his older posts since we met only recently.
4.)Northern Narratives for their never ending supply of wonderful and varying photographs.
5.)Dou Dou Birds … just when you think it’s just about the birds, Dorothy throws you something out of the blue. Pretty versatile, if you ask me.
6.) Jake Sprinter from ‘Time after Time’ for his ever challenging Sunday Challenges that give us all something to blog about. Jake does a fine job with his subjects, and deserves a hearty pat on the back.
7.)Freedombytheway … I love the informative posts they present to keep us all abreast of the various political situations as they arise. We should all stay informed and act where we can to ensure justice in our society.

Weekly photo challenge . Unusual #2

This isn’t your typical path, well, unless you’re at Maymont Park in Richmond, Virginia. Then you never know what types of egress paths you might encounter, taking you from point A to B. I always loved the rustic charm of this particular path. I thought you might find it interesting too.

Railroad ties serve as steps, here and there. Don't get too used to the symmetry of the stairs. There isn't any.