Just for fun

For the older folks, here’s a little ditty, I think you’ll appreciate. For the younger group … here’s what you’ve got to look forward to. I laughed my rear end off (I wish) when I watched this. I hope it will put a smile on your face too!

20 responses to “Just for fun

  1. LOL! Yes, those senior moments are the worst..hehehe. He looks just like Willie Nelson. 🙂 Lovely post and thanks for sharing. 🙂


  2. If being 60+ = being able to unabashedly laugh at oneself, bring it on, I say!

    I did not know Garth Brooks had a famous older brother! 🙂 (Nice choice of name there, Golf Brooks.)

    Thanks for the laughs, Marcy!



    • We can’t do anything about getting older, except laugh about the results (if we are lucky), and be happy we lived long enough to poke fun at ourselves. When you stop and think about it, there are a lot of people that will never realize the downfalls of aging. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed as that was the intent of the song. 🙂


  3. Now i know why things are happening to me,, really funny, thank you, had to repost on facebook, got some musician friends that might be amused..


    • I got this in a silly e-mail. I have a friend that is a month younger than me, so that makes me old and decrepit, and him a young little whipper-snapper who can make fun of us ‘old folks’. 🙂 Anyway, I figured I’d share the laugh. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Oh those senior moments. How well I know. I also know it’s good to have a sense of humor about it. Now if I don’t forget I will share with my senior friends and hope they remember to open it. ( smile )



    • I am glad you enjoyed the song. I laughed so hard at that last line, I had to pass it along. Some songs just bring a smile. And, I for one, always welcome the opportunity for a laugh. I’m so glad you stopped by. 🙂


  5. That was hilarious!! Reminded me of a very funny senior moment my hubby at the doctor once. This man is great I had seen him before but not singing that song. Thanks for sharing this. Hugs and nose kisses from all us!


  6. Reblogged this on orples and commented:

    I was looking for something else, entirely, and came across this post from my early days. For giggles I was listening to it in the background, and laughed so hard, I felt like it was worth a re-share for those of you who don’t have time to snoop through the archives. Maybe after I post this, I’ll remember what it was I was looking for. In the meantime, enjoy. 😉 LOL.

    And, yes, I am having a ‘senior’ moment. They seem to come more often these days, but I really don’t remember.


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