The Orples Visit Rome

 Meg Travels and she was kind enough to let the orples tag along with her today. That tiled wall with its lovely hues, and intricate craftsmanship has captured Olivia and Oscar’s attention. It might take them a minute or two to examine the workmanship incorporated to create the illusion of depth.

The Orples admiring the workmanship of ancient tiles.

The Orples admiring the workmanship of some of the intricate tile work at St. Peter’s Basilica.

While they check out this beautiful wall, feel free to stroll through the neighborhood to see what else these two little world travelers have been up to.

12 responses to “The Orples Visit Rome

    • From all of the photos I’ve seen, all of Italy is breathtaking. I want to go see for myself someday. I was so impressed, i sent my characters to Italy for their honeymoon in Book 1 of ‘Brides’, my newest trilogy (2 of 3 books available). I was able to describe my scenes through photos and research, and all of that snooping only makes me want to visit Italy even more. 🙂


    • Thank you Sonel. I wish I could have ‘really’ gone along for this trip. I imagine I could spend a month in Rome, exploring their architecture, from what I’ve seen in photos.Oscar blew you a kiss. Olivia and I send love. 😉

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