Election Day 2014

I swear, I can’t even go vote without the Orples tagging along. It looks like there were lots of people out and about today, doing their Patriotic duty. I only hope we can get rid of some of the fossils on the Hill (slang for Congress and the Senate, for those of you unfamiliar with American political terms), and put some fresh PATRIOTS in our higher Governmental offices.  This Nation is a mess right now.

Olivia and Oscar tagging along, learning about how humans operate. I think we should nominate Olivia for President in 2016. You'd better believe she'll straighten that bunch of clowns in Washington out!

Olivia and Oscar tagging along, learning about how humans operate. I think we should nominate Olivia for President in 2016. You’d better believe she’ll straighten that bunch of clowns in Washington out!

My voting precinct if Falling Creek Elementary School.

Our voting precinct, for my district and according to my street address is Falling Creek Elementary School.

5 responses to “Election Day 2014

  1. It looks like Olivia and Oscar had lots of fun tagging along with you Marcy. 😆 It’s always great to see them and that would be great if we could nominate Olivia for senate. She would sort them out for sure! 😀 ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • With the bunch that WAS in office, until yesterday, America has been sinking fast. The Republicans won the majority of the House, so maybe some of the 300 + bills to be passed, sitting on Harry Reid’s desk, will finally see the light of day. One of them is a Bill to AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE … imagine the impact of publicly pulling back the curtain on the ‘Central Bank’. Ron Paul manged to obtain a partial audit about five years ago and exposed a loan behind (Congress and the people) everyone’s backs to the IMF amounting to Billions of Dollars. No one would have ever known about these loans without Dr. Paul’s consistent efforts to rein the PRIVATE BANKERS in.

      Olivia would straighten our ‘Representatives’ butts out, no matter who was sitting on the Hill, or in the White House. We won’t mention it to her though, you wouldn’t want to get her started … LOL.


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