Proud Mom, here! Check this out !!

You guys need to check out my son and his fiancee’s web business! Those two make me so proud! The young man speaking on the video is my youngest child, Brice. And YES! I am extremely proud of them both. The young lady in the photo (follow link)  is my soon to be daughter-in-law … they are set to tie the knot in July. Anyway, I just had to share this. You know how us proud Mom’s love to brag!

QTOFFICE  is an inventory management service for Mary Kaye Cosmetic’s salespersons. The kids started this business about 7 years ago and have been working side jobs while designing the platform behind their business and waiting for it to take off … it’s called burning the candle at both ends, I think.  It appears, they’re really picking up speed … hopefully, one day soon, this will be the only business they will have to focus on. I suspect, though, they’ll continue to branch out. Brice and Jamie are both bubbling over with ambition. That is the first ingredient in any successful venture.

By the way, I wanted to mention the fact that this has been an extremely busy week and I will be away this upcoming weekend, so if I’ve not visited your blog as often as usual, please forgive me, for the time being. I hope to circle back on each of you.  I do enjoy your contributions, as I hope you do mine, to the blogging environment.  Blessings to all! 🙂  Marcy

18 responses to “Proud Mom, here! Check this out !!

  1. Very nice web site and informative video. They are sure to be very successful. By the way my grandson’s name is Bryce, spelled differently. Enjoy your time away see you back here on the same station



  2. Kudos to your kids and good for you proud mama. I was thinking as I read your post and took a walk through their site that, hey, one day they might get bought for gazillion dollars or offer an IPO that garners them same. Innovative thinking is the road to success in the 21st century… I’m proud of all of you. 😉


  3. What an industrious couple. I wish them well in their business and with their upcoming marriage. You must be bursting at the seams with so much going on. Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. What an enterprising young couple! My sister has been a MK consultant for years, I’ll be sure to send her the link.


  5. >You guys need to check out my son and his fiancee’s web business!
    – I tried.

    >The young lady in the photo
    – I like Jamie’s belted ensemble.

    >they are set to tie the knot in July.
    – Congratulations!

    >The young man speaking on the video is my youngest child, Brice.
    – I can’t watch the video right now. The image appeared the first time, but wouldn’t play. Other attempts did not even offer the image. A common problem with my intermittent, unreliable Internet connection. Will try again another time.

    >The kids started this business about 7 years ago and have been working side jobs while designing the platform behind their business and waiting for it to take off … it’s called burning the candle at both ends, I think.
    – Or persevering in what they believe in. 7 years is a long time, but they obviously got some results and see more potential.

    >hopefully, one day soon, this will be the only business they will have to focus on.
    – *fingers crossed*

    >By the way, I wanted to mention the fact that this has been an extremely busy week and I will be away this upcoming weekend,
    – Yaay for you! Have a good one, Marcy! Doncha worry, we ain’t going nowhere. 😉



    • I gave the vid a shot this morning, but no go. Managed just now. I didn’t see Brice though.

      Ah, I get it! Jamie is the face of QT and Brice is the voice of QT. And you are their well deserving, proud PR department, Marcy! 🙂

      Good luck, Brice and Jamie!



  6. Beautiful lady! Nice website and I will go back and check it out. You have reason to be proud! Thank you so much for checking on us sorry to be so long getting back to you. Hugs and nose kisses


    • Thanks Patti. I just got home and am just beginning to try to catch up a little. I’m sure the kids are going to be fine, they have the gift of youth on their side. Always a plus! LOL.


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