Genuine Blogger Award

Even though there are no rules associated with the ‘Genuine Blogger Award’, I would like to thank the two persons that nominated me for it: Vina Kent whose Blog is TRUnique News & Matters &  Natalie at Reflections in a Puddle.

First, way back in February, Vina Kent was so kind as to nominate me. Vina, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to post my award, but it is no less appreciated due to my lack of time to date. So Thank you!

Additionally, I’d like to thank Natalie who nominated me on March 15 to receive the honors. In the event you’d thought I’d forgotten, I’ve not. All things unfold as time allows, and the time has come to post this award. To you, let me extend my heartfelt thanks as well.

Here is the original post that explains the reasoning behind this award: .

Some of the people I would like to extend the honors to are:


Sonel @ Sonel’s corner

Mumsey @ Chancy, the Gardner

Madhu @ The Urge to Wander

Jo Bryant @ Chronicles of Illusions

Tracie Louise @ Tracie Louise Photography

Kellie See @ kellisee

Dolly @ allaboutlemon

Jay @  Positive Cookie Attitude


These are but a few of the fine bloggers I can think of.  If your name is not on this nomination list, please don’t feel left out.   There are no rules to accompany the Genuine Blogger Badge, so if you would like a badge, please post one with my blessing.

29 responses to “Genuine Blogger Award

    • Thank you again, Francine. I still have 6 more awards to go, and am trying to catch up. I feel so flattered, but also overwhelmed. Thank you as always for stopping by. 😉


    • Thank you, Vina. I’m so far behind, I have 6 more groups to go. I doubt they will all get done tonight, but soon. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 😉


    • Thank you Vina. I’ll bet you thought I’d forgotten about this … never! It is as appreciated now as much as the day that you nominated me for it. So thanks twice.


    • Thank you Madhu. You have an interesting blog, what can I say? There are so many fantastic blogs to chose from, it’s hard to decide who to pass an award along to. But you are very deserving, so congrats! Enjoy. 😉


  1. Congrats again sweetie. Well deserved! I thank you for the nomination as well and would just add your name to the one I already have, so thank you very much. It means a lot to me that you think of me and my blog that way. You are too kind. 🙂 *hugs*


    • Thank you Sonel, You are more than welcome. I have a list here myself. I am ashamed that it took me almost 3 weeks to find the time to post the first batch of awards. However, I am so proud that people did elect me and so I hope to pass the honors on to a few bloggers at least, you being one of them. Enjoy and hugs back at you. 🙂


    • Thank you Gerry. I have a few more to post, which will get done ASAP. It’s tough to keep up sometimes, but I’ll thrilled that people are enjoying my blog. 😉


    • Woops, I left off the ‘s’. So sorry. 😦 I was going in so many directions trying to keep everything straight, I had to re-do a couple of things. You’d have sent me a sympathy card if you’d seen me trying to finagle my way around the computer yesterday… but , I’m learning. 😉


    • Please nab the award anyway, I think I still need to notify Dolly @ allaboutmon (does that sound right to you?), which was who I/think ? I) was trying to contact, when I linked to your blog. I am so sorry about the confusion. Some of us need to take lessons on finagling our way around cyberspace. I’m embarrassed.


    • LOL, Jo… will you stop? You are/were forgiven long ago. No worries … we’re still pals! Post your award and be proud … you, my Dear, are very genuine!. 🙂


  2. Congratulations! We are so happy that you received the Genuine Blogger Award…it is well deserved. Mumsy is getting so old her memory fails her at times…she doesn’t remember if she has thanked you for passing the award on to us and I think it is high time she did that in case she hasn’t. Thank you so much for thinking of us and how sweet of you to pass the award on to us. We will post soon and formally accept the award. Hugs and nose kisses


    • Mumsy, you did thank me for this award, and if you hadn’t there would still be no worries. You so deserve the award! And, once again, you are very welcome for it. Thank you for your concern in having shown your gratitude, but really you thanked me long ago. All is good in the neighborhood! I hope you and Chancy have the loveliest of lovely weeks ahead.


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